Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Toilets--Read This Rant At Your Own Risk

Public toilets are disgusting. At least Men's Rooms are. I don't visit the Women's Room so I can't write with any experience about those.

I was in a medical facility yesterday and walked into a Men's Room. There was toilet paper in several places on the floor. Visitors had tossed paper hand towels at the wastebasket--and missed repeatedly. The urinal was filled with urine and not flushed. One or more users had poor aim so the floor was disgusting. When I reported this to the person at the desk, she had already called the Housekeeping department to get it cleaned.

But this was not as bad as so many Men's Rooms in other facilities. This was a medical facility and they make a serious effort to keep their restrooms clean. Many other organizations are less careful to maintain the facilities.

Of course, it is not just the facilities. How many men in restaurant Men's Rooms have I watched use the toilet or urinal and then walk out without washing their hands. It almost seems the norm. These are men who will be perturbed if I refuse to shake their hands. "Please pass the salt and a little feces on the side."

Washing one's hands is a minimal effort at the prevention of disease. I volunteer at a local hospital providing emotional and spiritual support efforts. Before we walk into a patient's room, we must wash our hands or use hand disinfectant. After finishing with the patient we repeat the process. This way we do not spread infections from patient to patient, but it also protects us from picking up illnesses.

The US Army did a study some time ago. One group of soldiers were ordered to wash their hands at five specific times during the day, in addition to any other occasions. They had many fewer illnesses than a control group. It was especially effective at protecting them from colds and flu.

So why can't men wash their hands after using a public restroom? Why can't they control their stream at a urinal? Why can't they make an effort at keeping the restroom clean?

A mystery!

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