Monday, April 21, 2014

Judy Harrow

I just learned of Judy Harrow's death on March 20, 2014--one month ago.

Judy was someone I knew only on the internet. But I also knew her by the esteem I heard in the words and voices of so many others.  Personally, whenever I had a question about counseling with a Wiccan or Pagan client, I could email Judy and get a good answer or direction.

Judy was a leader in the Gardnerian Wiccan faith, deeply spiritual and enormously skilled in helping others develop their own self-defined spirituality. She was the first Wiccan registered as clergy in New York City, being recognized only after a five-year effort with the help of the New York Civil Liberties Union.

The Internet introduced me to Judy on the Pastoral Counseling on-line group many years ago where she enjoyed a reputation for her knowledge and skills. She often was able to provide deep insights to counseling questions--and not just Wiccan, but related to other faith communities or none.  Her wisdom and sensitivity were astounding.

The question is not whether we will die, but how we will live.

- Joan Borysenko -

 In her passing, Judy bequeaths us her gifts of her life.

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